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Stainless Steel Structure with Recycled Australian Fishing Nets

Exhibition: Sculpture by the Sea, Cottesloe '23  &  Bondi ‘23

Location: Cottesloe Beach, Perth &  Tamarama Beach, Sydney, Australia

400 x 400 x 150cm, 2023

A Tribute to the Mighty (Great White Shark) portrays a monumental great white shark dorsal fin constructed from recycled Australian fishing nets. After completing their initial purpose of fishing, these nets have their functions reversed as they transform into a tool to advocate for sharks. The sculpture visually highlights the species’ identity, vulnerability, and its interlaced relationship with the environment. 


Today 30% of all shark species are considered in peril – the IUCN Red List classifies these species as ranging from near threatened to critically endangered. These majestic animals have ruled our oceans for 450 million years but today are disappearing at an alarming rate – the drastic decline can be attributed to ghost nets, bycatch, overfishing, and the shark-finning industry. The combination of material and size reminds the audience of the nets’ responsibility in the global decline of shark species. The transparency of the netting visually represents the trapping view experienced by all marine animals, while depicting the shark’s very existence as held together by mere threads.


Installed on the beach, the sculpture invites the viewer to walk along the giant shark fin and ponder upon how to protect the mighty Great White Shark before all we can do is pay tribute.

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